Your life just got easier — thanks to Ithos.

Ithos is pleased to announce that it is now including Document Manager in all IIN Limited  subscriptions – at no extra charge.

This valuable tool makes it faster and easier to organize formula documentation. Stop looking up ingredient compliance data in our online platform, the Ithos Information Network (IIN), then storing documentation in a separate location. Now, access everything in one place: the IIN.

How Document Manager Helps:

  • Single Source of Truth: With Document Manager, the IIN becomes a single source of truth for formula and raw material documents.
  • Exception Report: Quickly determine what’s missing to complete documentation.
  • Easy Reference: The table format provides a global snapshot of all documents, with the power to customize organization to best meet a brand’s needs.
  • Filters: Instantly sort documents by raw material, jurisdiction, formula, product or vendor.
  • Instant downloads: Instantly download all relevant documents with one click on the product tab
  • Copy across products: Reuse the same document across multiple products and formulas.

Until now, Document Manager was only available to IIN Regulatory subscribers. However, in conversations with customers, we recognized it is a key solution to expand your product portfolio, while managing increasingly complex compliance reporting.

We’re excited to see how Document Manager can help grow your brand. 

Contact us to learn more or watch our recent webinar about how Document Manager works.

Since adding Document Manager to all Tier A subscriptions, brands are using it to build out a Raw Material Document Repository. In addition to having documents at your fingertips, using Document Manager saves on implementation costs, if you decide to upgrade your IIN subscription to meet your brands growing compliance needs. 

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