Ithos Information Network Flagging More “No-No” Ingredients

We share a cautionary tale about unapproved color additives and how they can prevent your product from being sold at retailers and online marketplaces. Brands are increasingly turning to the Ithos Information Network to navigate new ingredient rules and gather documentation regarding colorants in eye shadow, lip products, hair color, bronzers, lotions and more.
In the United States, color additives are a main focus of regulation, subject to a strict approval process under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. However, more brands are facing new scrutiny from retailers and websites who are adopting their own, stricter safe ingredient standards to meet customer demand. They have names like “no-no,” “never,” “made without,” “clean” or “dirty” ingredient lists.
We recently helped a brand that made an agreement to sell on a major cosmetics website, only to learn a few ingredients across its entire product portfolio were not permitted. While some products could be sold, they could not offer their entire colorant product line.
Working with the Ithos Information Network, they were able to gather additional documentation to show the actual regulatory status of a particular additive to be sold. In another case, the IIN identified alternative ingredients that would make the product permissible to sell. When a formula is run through the Ithos Information Network, it immediately flags any ingredient that is not permitted for that product, not only in the United States but across jurisdictions around the world.
It is important to know that in the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)requires every batch of colorant be approved before you can add it to your product. In some cases, colorants are permitted for certain products, but not others. And in other scenarios, the FDA requires additional certification to permit a colorant to be used.
While it is up to your manufacturer to follow these rules, if you are using a third-party vendor, it is a good idea to verify how they are managing the process. From hair dye to eye shadow palettes, know the colorants being used and the related regulations – before spending time and money on packaging and marketing.
Ithos Information Network Launches New Artwork Review Workflow
Whether using the Ithos Information Network’s Formul8 feature for actual formulation, or screening ingredient lists for verification, the IIN ensures you can access the right documentation for that jurisdiction or purpose. It also provides peace of mind that your brand won’t find itself on the latest “no-no” list.
Schedule a demo to see how the Ithos Information Network can flag ingredients and create more compliant products from the start.