China has adopted new packaging requirements affecting 16 categories of cosmetics. With the goal of reducing waste, the new “Requirements of Restricting Excessive Packaging – Foods and Cosmetics GB 23350 – 2021” seeks to clarify terms and definitions for both companies and consumers. These include “excessive packaging,” “package layer,” “interspace ratio,” and “necessary spatial coefficient.” In some cases, determination methods have also been updated. Per the current standard, interspace ratio (a factor in determining excessive packaging) is set by product category. The new standard is based on the net content of a single product, allowing more specific calculations. While the mandatory national standard goes into effect on September 1st, 2023, companies have a two year transition period to comply. After that, products that do not meet the new standards cannot be produced, manufactured, sold, or imported in China. In addition to the new standard, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes (which took effect September 1, 2020) requires that manufacturers and operators comply with mandatory standards that restrict excessive packaging of commodities. It isn’t too soon to start planning for these packaging changes. To learn which cosmetic categories are affected or talk more about steps you should be taking to meet the new standards, contact us today. |